Best of 2024
Here & Now

Here & Now honors moments of spontaneity, where we celebrate every version of ourselves, each precious and brimming with beauty.
featuring Neha Sahai & her words
Here & Now
"In a world of timeless, I want to celebrate nowness."
Here & Now captures this spontaneous expression through little slices from Neha's life, as we see her painting, sharing moments of pure joy with her furry friend, and just living in the now.
"I want to celebrate who I am today and not who I will be at the end of my life, I want to celebrate each phase, each new me that births and rebirths herself," she says.
embracing our unique self
The jewels, drawing from the form of amulets and crafted with vibrant gemstones, are designed for effortless wear, adapting to the spontaneous expression of our current selves. They act as reminders that every phase of life is beautiful, and each one deserves to be adorned and celebrated.