moi muse
Sara Singh
Artist & Fashion Illustrator

moi muse
Sara Singh
Artist & Fashion Illustrator
She introduces herself as a visual person always searching for beauty and balance, whatever the context.

m - How would you introduce yourself?
S - I’m a visual person and I’m always searching for beauty and balance, whatever the context. I’m continuously processing color, light, materials, and texture.
m - What are two words that best describe you?
S - Visual explorer
m - What draws you to fine jewelry?
S -The permanence of it perhaps. Fine jewelry can write its own timeline and co-exist with and then beyond trends. I’m always drawn to places that, even if they are modern, have old architecture intact to tell the story of the place.
m - Is fine jewelry part of your lifestyle?
S - I inherited my grandmother’s gold bangles. I always wear them and they only come off at security checkpoints at airports.
m - What do you think caught your attention in our jewelry?
S - The pieces remind me of travel to faraway destinations, beautiful old buildings, and gardens. More now than ever, while we can’t travel, I long for the magic of walking through bazaars of antiques and vintage finds. this jewelry reminds me of that feeling. Treasure hunting comes to mind.

Julie Grau
Book Editor & Entrepreneur
She introduces herself as a believer in the power of the written word to expand our view of humanity and to inspire us to make change.